Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Birthday of Krishna and History behind the Birth of Krishna

We will be celebrate Krishna Janmastami in 2020 on 11 and 12th of August. Lord Krishna was born on 8th day of Krishna Pakhsha of hindi month bhhadrapad. He was born in Mathura. He was the 8th cortation of deity Vishnu. Krishna Janmastami is known as well other name in different part of the India.

Birth of Krishna

We can say that the birth of krishna was mainly for the demolition of kansa. Krishna was a Son of Devaki and Vasudeva. Devaki was the Sister of brutal king Kansa. The whole kingdom of Kansa were fedup and helpless from the cruelness of Kansa. Kansa prognosticated that 8th Son of the Devaki will became the cause of his death. He come to know about the prophesied then he decided to kill Devaki. But due to the pleaded of Vasudeva he left her because Vasudeva promised to Kansa that they will handover their child vento Kansa. 

                                       So, Kansa killed six children of that helpless pair. So, before the birth of Seventh child Lord Vishu said  to Goddes Yogmaya to change the embryo of Shesh Naag from Devaki's womb to Rohini's womb (who was the first wife of Vasudeva). By which 7th Son could be Safe in Gokul and named as Balram. 

                             At the place of 8th child Lord Vishnu came himself on the Earth from the womb of Devaki. So, the Divine voice guided the Vasudeva to take Krishna from Mathura to Vrindavan. Where he change the baby from the baby delivered by Yashoda who was a girl child. Vasudeva has to travel by naked foot in midnight and had to Strongly cross the syromy and heavy rained whether as well as the Yamuna river.

 Therefore, Vasudeva returned to Mathura will a girl child So kansa wanted to kill her. But the girl was incartation of Yogmaya. So she came in real form and warned Kansa for his end Krishna grew up in Vrindavan. And Kansa tried many time to killed the Krishna but he was never successful. After some time Kansa was killed by Krishna.

Celebration of Janmastami

The people belived the Lord Krishna was born in the Midnight of 8th day of Krishna Paksha. So, the devotes use to fast and keep distance from the grain for next day of Sunrise. The devotees decorate the place of Krishna Idols Special the Swing of Krishna Idols. The way of celebration the Krishna Janmastami quit differ according to place , area and economical level. 

At name some of the devotees change the cloths and decorated the Idols of Krishna. Then keep it on the swings and swings it. And read the books called Krishna katha(story). Someones used to blow fluit(Musical instrument) 

      Some where it is celebrate at Society level where the group people collect donation from that area and keep some program for the celebration of the birthday of Krishna. Somewhere also Dahihandi program also organised. It this Dahihandi game a plot ful of card hang over a fixed height. Team that participate in this have to make pyramid and break the pot and the topmost boy of pyramid called as the Krishna.

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