Sunday, August 23, 2020

Biography of shubhas Chandra Bose

The name of a great preason from Orissa called as Subhash Chandrabose. He fought for the freedom India. He was a great and Intelligent person for that he also got 4th Rank in Indian Civil Service and he didn't join.   Let's we discuss the biography of shubhas Chandra Bose. 

                     Short bio 

Name:- Netaji Subhash Chandrabose
Date of birth:- 23Jan 1897 
Spouse:- Emilie Schenkl
Birth place:- CUTTACK in Orissa 
Father name:- Jankinath Bose (odvocate)
Mother name:- Prabhavti Bose
School:- Protestant European School

He was born on 23rd January 1897 in cuttack in Odissa. He father's name was Jankinath Bose, who was an advocate and Mother's name was Prabhavti Bose. He was interested in study from childhood. Therefor he always listed for favourite student of the teachers. He completed his early school in Protestant European School. But after 10th class he envolled in Presidency colleage in 1913. 
                             We know that he was interested in study so he also used to read some side books. By which he became a follower of the thought and Philosophy of Swami Vivekananda and Ram Krishna Paramhans. When he took motivation from these greatman he came to know that spend time for our country is quite nice important then study. That time the British also tortuled to Indian People. By this thinks a the feeling of Nationalism tooky five in mind as well as in his heart. And he decided to draw freedom for India.

1st Trailer of shubhas Chandra Patriotism 

He shaw the level of Patriotism that was in his mind and heart. When he was in colleage named as presidency colleage. He fough with professor for the country because the professor said some think in against the country. Then we can understood the level of Patriotism in his mind. But that was a only trailer we cann't imagine which he done for country.

Higher study of shubhas Chandra Bose 

Completed his graduation from SCOTTISH CHURCH College in 1918 SCOTTISH CHURCH College come under the University of Kolkata. After completing his graduation he wanted to help the people of India and fought for the freedom of India. But he couldn't do that he wanat. Because his father forced him to continue his study and also forced him to go England. His father wanted to saw his son on a good job. He didn't want his to became a Socialist only.
                              So he completed his study in Fitzwilliam College in Combridge. After study completed he came to India and gave the Examination of INDIAN CIVIL SERVICES in which he got 4th Rank in all over the India. 
 But he rejected to join this job because he believed that this job was under thebio British Government. And he cleared that he didn't work under British Government.

Started Struggle for freedom of the country 

After rejecting the job of INDIAN CIVIL SERVICES Job. He started a Newspaper which named as Swaraj. Through his newspaper he want to wake up the all Indian for the freedom. In this work of Subhash Chandrabose a person guided him a lot known as Chitranjan Das (great leader of that time). Chitranjan Das was mainly known for giving inflammable Patriotism for the freedom.

When and why Shubhas Chandra Bose  went to Jail?
Later on he became the president of All India Youth Congress because of his work. But he had to go behind the bar because of he was creating flame for freedom of India. He also suffered from Tuber culosis (TB) in the Jail. But Released from the Jail in the year 1927. Then he selected for General Secretory of Congress Party. And he came in the war of freedom with Jawahar Lal Nehru. In 1930 he went to Europe to meat with some leader for the betterment of the Party. He also Published a book named "The Indian Struggle" in Lundon. But that book was ban by the British Government.

When did subhash Chandra Bose become Parisident of Congress??

After the return from Europe he became a the President of Congress in 1980. But he was no longer on the post Persistent because they way he wanted the freedom didn't like by Mahatma Gandhi. As it was clear that Subhash Chandra wanted to applya violence and aggressive way for the freedom. But the believed of Mahatma Ghandhi that he would achieve freedom only on the way of Non-violence. Through that collision of thought Subhash Chandra Bose Presigned from the Post of Persistent. Then he started to travelled all over the world and request them for the support of India. Subhash Chandra Bose wanted freedom of India at any cast. Through which he wanted to creat a International pressure on the British Government for liberation of India.

World War IInd (1939-1945)

During the 2nd world War the British were facing problem in lack of Soldiers. We all better know that British was not so big country. By which Britisher wanted that Indian fight for British. But the way of thinking of Subhash Chandra Bose was totally opposite. He believed that No Indian will have to die for the problem of Britisher. Who always torture us. 
                                     For this way of thinking and Spreading Ideas against British Government he had to gone Jail. But he didn't stop. He started Hunger Strike in the Jail. For that he released on 7th day and he detained by Police in his house under the eyesight of CID. But Subhash Chandra Bose never give up and he was successful in escaping from his house by a changed appearance as a Pathan.
                                   Then Subhash Chandra Bose went to Germany, who was a opposition of Britain in the 2nd World War. He meat up with the Hitler (A dictator of Germany). Hitler promised Subhash Chandra Bose for the support of India. But the time came when Germany was losing the 2nd World War, then Subhash Chandra Bose went to Japan through a Submarine.

Subhash Chandra Bose in Japan and his death 

When he went to Japan he meat with Prime Minister of Japan and request him for the support of India and PM of Japan agree with him for the support of India. Then Subhash Chandra bose stabized. Azad Hind with help of Japan. Azad Hind was also known as Indian National Army(INA). The Azad Hind got strongness from South East Asia. But that time Japan was lossing the 2nd World War. And the Azad Hind felt lack in the supply of Guns and Bombs. By which the day came for End of INA. Also on 18th August 1945 the Subhash Chandra Bose killed due to accident of Hight. His life finished only at the Age of 48 years. But India got Independence in 1947. 
 Thanks to you all and don't forget to share and follow from the home page.

Location:India India

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