Friday, August 7, 2020

History behind the Ram Mandir ,Ayodhya

Life of God Ram

As we all better know that Ram mandir is being built in Ayodhya (Utter Pradesh).Hindu believes that Ram was the seventh incartation (avtar) of God vishnu. Ram is also called as the Ram Chandra.

Who was born in Ayodhya (right now in utter pradesh). He is one of the most popular incartation (avtar) of Vishnu like Krishna, and Pershurama. His father's name was Dasharatha and mother's name was Kaushalya. He had there byothers named as Lakshmana, Bharat and Shatrughna from different mother's. He married with Sita. Both Ram and Sita were born in a Royal family but both of them along with Lakshmana were enile from the state to live in the forest for 14 years.

                     So, we have to learn from these that if God had to face challenges then we are human we also have to face challenges without running away from it.

 History behind the Ram mandir

 It is Clarified that Ayodhya is the birthplace (Janmabhumi) of hindu deity Ram. So hindus wanted make a temple over there. But in the 15th century the Mugal constructed Mosque which was named babri Mosjid. Hindu belived that the Babri  Mosjid (Mosque) made after razing of Hindu Temple.  

  So, in 20th century vishva hindu Parishad decided to construct hindu temple on disputed territory before the Allahabad High Court ordered. There for they collected found bricks. On which "Shree Ram" written. In Rajiv Ghandhi ministery Rajiv Ghandhi give permission with Home Minister Buta Singh to Ashok Singhal (leader of VHP) for the construction of Ram Mandir in Ayodhya. So the member of Vishva Hindu Parishad means some Shadhus laid the foundation by digging the gronnd of 7 cubic foot.

 But again the voilent started in December 1992 when the demolition of Babri Masjid took place. So at that time construction of Ram Mandir stoped. In 2019 Supreme Court decided to hand over to the disputed territory to the Hindu for construction of Hindu Temple. And gave 5 acers to the Muslim for construction of Mosque.


The original degine of Ram Mandir was prepare in year 1988 by Sompura family in Ahmedabad. But there is quite change in design of 2020 Ram Mandir. It looks like Nagara Style architecture. 
Sompura family has designed move than 100 temples all over the world. The cheif architecture of Ram mandir is chandrakant Sompura and his two sons Nikil Sompura & Ashish Sompura. The temple will be 161 feet high 360feet long and 235 feet wide.

So, we can say that 5 August is great day for all the Hindu all over the world. On that Prime Minister of India have green signal to the work of Ram Mandir in Ayodhya. The temple has been designed by Sompura family in 1988 of Ahmedabad.

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