Thursday, April 16, 2020

Biography of Swami Vivekananda

Swami Vivekananda:  

As we all know about the wisdom and inteligency of Vivekananda.The way of thinking and his quotes give motivation to many youth. Lets we talk about the life of the swami Vivekananda.
Swami Vivekananda 

Childhood name :Narendanath Dutta 
Born :12th January 1863
Father's name :Vishwanath  Dutta

Mother's name:Bhumeshveri Devi

Religion :Hindu 

Nationality: Indian

Guru: Ramkrishna paramhansha 

Education: calcutta Metropolitan  school, Presidency college, Calcutta                                                 
Death: 4th July 1902

You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself 
                       - Swami Vivekananda 

Today we are going to discuss about that personality from which every one take some motivation. The name is Swami Vivekananda who is from India. Vivekananda  inspire not only the youth of India but the youth of whole world take inspiration from his and the way of his thinking.He was born on 12th January 1863 on the occasion  of makar sankrantri in a Bengali family at kolkata,India.He was one of the children of his parents.His childhood name was Narendranath Dutta.His father's name was Vishwanath Dutta and mother's name was Bhumneshvari Devi.Vishwanath Dutta was a attorney and prominent personality.His mother (Bhumneshvari devi) believe in god and worship of God by which her son be like her.  
Be a hero.Always say. I have no fear
                    -Swami Vivekananda 

In 1871 (when he was 8 year old) 
Childhood image of  swami

When Vivekananda was of 8year old his parents enrolled him in Ishwar Chandra vidyasagar's institution.And later on he enrolled at presidary college in Calcutta.He had interest in gymnastics,wrestling, and many others sports.He was also interested in the music (vocal and instrumental). He grabbed a huge knowledge from childhood to the graduation in too many subjects.By which we can guess what a student was he? For that he is known as the man of wisdom. Now the things I am going to tell about him is known by very few people that he could read Upanishads in one hand and he also read the inscriptures of Bhagvad Gita. 

Believe in yourself and the world will be at your feet
                     -swami Vivekananda

Celebration  of National youth day on 12th January (birthday of Vivekananda)

We are celebrating National youth day on the birth day of swami Vivekananda  because of the following reasons:

As we all already know that the swami Vivekananda was born and grown up in a religious family. So, he had studied many religious text and gain too  many knowledge. Then his knowledge leded a question in his mind about the existence of God. That's Is God exists in real life or not? For that he believed in agnosticism. He joined with Keenan Chandra arm's Nava vidhan in 1880.Became a member of Sadharan brahmo samaj led by Leah's Chandra sent and Devendranath Tagore

There were lots of question running in the mind of Vivekananda and he wanted the answer of these questions for the relaxation of his mind. Then he heard about the shri Ramakrishna paramhansha by William Hattie the principal of Scottish church. Then he asked to William Hattie about the address of Ramakrishna paramhansha for a meeting. Hattie replied  him to met with Ramakrishna at dakshineshwari Mandir. So swami Vivekananda met with Ramakrishna paramhansha at dakshineshwariandir Kali Mandir and asked him a question that  "Have you ever seen God" which he already asked to many spiritual leader but he never satisfied with their answers. After asking the question Ramkrishna paramhansha replied in such a simple way that"Yes, I have. I can see as clearly as I can see you"but in a depth sence. After he was getting the answer of this question he started visit the Dakshineshwari Kali Mandir and got the answer of many others such question.

Understanding yourself  a weak person is a great guilt. 
                         -swami Vivekananda 

After the death of Vivekananda's father

The time came when Vivekananda's father(vishwanath Dutta) died who was the only income source for their family. Therefor the responsibility of whole family were came on the solder of Vivekananda. So his family facing a financial problems.
He didn't know what to do next. Then he decided to go to Ramakrishna paramhansha for requesting him to prey Maa Kali for the financial support of Vivekananda. Then Vivekananda arrived to Dakshineshwari Kali Mandir and requested to Ramakrishna for pray to kali for Vivekananda. But he said that "I can't pray to Kali for these things like money. If you want, you can. Then Vivekananda prey to Kali for wisdom and revision. And got spiritual awak from Ramakrishna paramhansha. From that day he was started the life of ascetic and make Ramakrishna paramhansha as his Guru.

You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul. 
                     -swami Vivekananda  

Death of Ramakrishna 
Shri Ramakrishna

In 1885 Ramakrishna paramhansha was suffering from the throat cancer. After someday he was transferred to Calcutta then Garden house in cossipore. All the disciples of Ramakrishna including Vivekananda used to take care of him in very better way. But the time came on 16th August 1886 the Ramakrishna paramhansha leave his body. 
Ramakrishna paramhansha used to taugh all the disciples that "Service to men is the most effective workship of God"So, fifteen disciples including Vivekananda started living together at Baranagar in North Kolkata, which was named as Ramakrishna Math.All the fifteen disciples took vows for mongoose. All were starting living on the theory of their Guru Ramakrishna. From that day Narendranath was called as Sawmi Vivekananda. All of them perform yoga , meditation and started living for the help of other people. 
Later on swami Vivekananda decided to leave the math. So, as he thought left the math and went on the tour of whole India. On the tour of whole India he saw many culture and reginal aspect. He also felt the problem of the tried to solve them by giving inlightment to the people.

Truth can be stated in a thousand different ways, yet each one can be true.
                            -Swami Vivekananda 

Religions World parliament 

Religions World parliament (1883)

On the way of India tour he heard about the Religion world parliament which will organise  in Chicago, America.He was very keen to joined the Religions world parliament for the representation of his country and the theory of his guru(Ramakrishna paramhansha) For attent the parliament he had to faced so many trouble.On 11th September 1993 he got finally a chance to came on the stage to represent his country. After he came on the stage  he attracted every on while he said"My dear brother and sister of America." For such kind of voice he got standing paeon from the audience. So he described the principal of Vedanta.

He lived approx two and half years in America to form Vedanta society of New York. After that he traveled to United Kingdom for the Vedanta philosophy. 

He founded the Ramakrishna Mission

After the tour of America and UK he returned to India in 1897 and reached Calcutta founded Ramakrishna Mission on 1st May 1897 at Belur Math. The goals of the mission was karma yoga and main objective was serve the poor. Through this mission some social work was also done like establishment of school, some hospital and colleges. Seminars were organised all over India for teaching the Vedanta. The teaching of Vivekananda were mainly based on the spiritual teachings of Ramakrishna paramhansha and Vedanta. 

 Death of swami Vivekananda 

Vivekananda already predicted his death. He said that"I will not complete my fourty year of my life."So on 4th July 1992 deid while doing yoga. 

No dout his way of teaching not motive only Indian youth but the youth of whole world took motivation from him. He used to taught how to be together and live. He was successful in making a bridge between the eastern and western culture. He playing a very important role in representing the culture of India in front of the other country of world.
Thanks you 
Location:India India

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